Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mt. Kilimanjaro

On the 17th, Britt wil be departing for Mt. Kilimanjaro. The cost for this round trip is $365. It leaves at 8:00 A.M. and returns to Nairobi and 3:50 P.M.
Mt. Kilimanjaro has three volcanic cones. They are all inactive. They are Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. The highest point of Mt. Kilimanjaro is Uhuru Peak on Kibo. It is the highest piont in Africa. Kibo is 19,341 ft. The top of Kibo is a 1.5 mile wide crater. Kibo is also one of The Seven Summits. Mawenzi is the 3rd highest poitn if Africa at 16,890 ft. Shira is 13,000 ft. Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Northeast Tanzania near the Kenya border.
Coffee and plaintains are the chief crops raised in the lower sothern slopes. Tourism from climbing is the important source or revenue. It has snow capped peaks. Human habitation lies on the southern and eastern slopes. The city of Moshi is teh main urban center.
The climate is very changing. First, you go throug very fertile cultivated farmland. As you go up the mountain, you go through traversr rain forests the to the moorland/semi-desert to total desert, then to the alpine desert, to the snow fields, ice cliffs, and complete and total ice and snow. There is always a constant feeling of summer since it is three degrees below the equator. it's ironic how you can be that close to the hottest part of the earth and have snow capped mountains. That's how tall it is, though.
There are 2 rainy seasons. One is in october, but it is the lighter one. The average temperature at the foot of the mountain is 25 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius. At the summit it ranges from minus 10 to 20 degrees. At 3000 meters it is anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees with frost at night.
When she arrives back in Nairobi, I have arranged for her to take a car to Uganda.

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