Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Nile River

From the hotel Britt is staying at in Kampala you can see Lake Victoria, which is the start of one of the two main tributaries of the Nile. It is the start to the White Nile. The other tributary is the Blue Nile, which starts in Ethopia. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The basin is 1,312,747 sq. miles. The length is 4,132 miles. The two tributaries meet at the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.
The Nile River flows throuh a total of nine countries. These countries are Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Ethopia, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi. The major cities it flows through are Cairo, Gondokoro, Khartoum, Aswan, Thebes/Luxor, Karnak, and Alexandria. The major dams are Roseires, Sennar, Aswan High and the Owen Falls dam.
If it is 10:00 P.M. in Indianapolis, Indiana on Sunday, then it is 5:00 A.M. on Monday at the Nile.
After walking and touring the Nile, Britt will return to the hotel in Kampala and get ready to leave for Venice, Italy. The flight from Uganda to Venice leaves on the 20th and is a 23 hour flight. She will arrive in venice a day later because of the time difference. The cost of the flight is $877.

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