Sunday, October 12, 2008


Valencia, Spain is the third largest city in Spain. The land area is 134.65 kilometers squared. The port in Valencia is the biggest on the Mediterranean Western coast. The city is thirteen meters above sea level.
Valencia has warm, dry summers and mild, humid winters. Britt will be visiting in October, so she will encounter the stormy autumns. The springs are also stormy. It is usually in the mid 70's, cloudy, and stormy in October.
They speak Valencian and Spanish. The metro signs, which is the subway in Valencia, and the street names are put in Valencian. Spanish is the predominant language, though.
The most famous food dish in Valencia is called paella. It is a rice dish with either fish, chicken, or rabbit. Some other popular dishes are orxala, buneulos, rosquilletas, fartons, Spanish omelettes, and squid/ calamaries.
They have a parliamentery monarchy for their government. The currancy they use is the euro. The exchange rate from a U.S. dollar is 1 euro is equivalent to 1.35205 U.S. dollars. The predominant religion is roman catholic. The time change is different, too. If it is 10:00 P.M. on Sunday in Indianapolis, Indiana, then it is 4:00 A.M. on Monday morning in Valencia.
While in Valencia, Britt will visit the Jardin Botanico. This means the botanic garden. It was founded in 1567 for the study of plants that could be used for medicine. In 1802 it was installed in l'Hort de Tramoyeres, where it is currently situated. The restoration that was finished in 2000 allowed for the reclamation of this spectacular green space.
She will also be doing a Cultural Bike Tour and Cyclotourism in Seville. It is hosted by an audio-visual production, corporate events, cultural events, incentives, private parties and weddings, sporting events, and building provider called Cyclotour. Cyclotour is a service company dedicated to leisure activities and corporate incentives, offering different cultural bike tours and cyclotourism throughout Spain. The company has its own fleet of 75 quadricycles, 200 bicycles, three support vehicles and three trailers.
The last activity is a stop at Mestalla Stadium, one of the biggest soccer clubs in Spain. Home matches are generally on a Saturday or Sunday evening and you can get tickets from various outlets. Kickoff is usually around 9:00 P.M.
The hotel Britt will be staying at is the Tryp Almussafes. The rate for the room is $65.02 pre night. She wil be staying there for the Thursday, Friday, and Staurday nights of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. She will be departing Valencia to head for Pamplona the night of the 5th. The cost of this trip is $567 dollars with Iberia Airlines. It is a two hour and forty minute flight.

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